Friday, April 18, 2003

Spring is here!

On Monday and Tuesday we were blessed with 85 degree days. I choose to believe that this was Gods little way of making up for having to send in taxes on Tuesday.

I spent my time on both days working on my garden. I used to be the kind of person who did not garden and I never imagined that I would start gardening. Then a couple of years ago I planted a few annuals and then I was bitten by the gardening bug. Every year the garden grows a bit larger and I have a variety of victories and defeats in the form of plants that live or die.

This year has started on a victorious note. I am very excited to see that the roses that I planted last year actually came back this year. Usually every year I would plant a sacrificial rose or two and then the next spring must dig them up. This year both my Climbing Peace and Climbing Josephs Coat are coming back!

I tend to have a Darwinist perspective on my garden – no special care is taken of any particular plants in the fall. If a plant does not make it through a bitter Midwestern winter then so be it. That actually may have more to do with the fact that by Fall the appeal of the garden has worn off and any more work in it is less than appealing. However now it is Spring and I am excited to spend the time making my garden grow.

Perhaps I will start the next blogging trend … garden blogging.


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